Freeform Structures Using NURBS
Freeform structures can be defined based on NURBS curves, areas and solid objects (Non-Uniform Rational Basic Spline). This makes it easy to create structures that do not conform with any particular shape defined by ruled geometry. Also, element meshes can be instantly generated on the NURBS.
Numerous functions make the handling of highly complex structures simple. For example, you can generate any rotational surface or extrude solids.
A NURBS curve is described by a control polygon. The level of the NURBS indicates how closely it approaches the polygon. By simply moving the control points, the NURBS can be transformed into practically any shape.
In the following example a FEM mesh is generated with the help of a NURBS surface.
The NURBS curves are used here to generate the NURBS surface. These are entered directly through the definition of control or interpolation points.
The selected curves describe the NURBS surface, which can be manipulated further using the control points.
A mesh is directly generated for the NURBS surface, allowing even complicated structures to be created with ease.