
InfoCAD · 3D FEM Software with a Graphical User Interface

Design of reinforced concrete composite cross-sections according to SIA 262 and EN 1992 with national annexes; Bridge checks according to British Standard BS EN 1992-2 and Swedish Standard SS EN 1992-2 (EKS 9 / EKS 11); Data exchange in IFC 4.3 format according to ISO 16739-1:2024.

Nonlinear analysis of volume structures using the De Vree and Mazars damage models as well as a combined elasto-plastic damage model (Lubliner, Lee & Fenves); soil model according to Mohr-Coulomb for analyzing ground and slope failure; BIM addin for Autodesk® Revit® 24.

Exchange of building models in Structural Analysis Format (SAF); Shear design according to EN 1992 and SIA 262 for stirrup and helix reinforced circular and annular cross-sections; Licensing on virtual machines and Microsoft® Azure® cloud servers; BIM addin for Autodesk® Revit® 23.

Evaluation of response spectra according to DIN EN 1998-1:2021 and SIA 261:2020; dynamic train crossing according to RiL 804:2021 of Deutsche Bahn  AG; recalculation of railroad bridges as per Ril 805; bridge recalculation and non-linear system analysis with freely definable material parameters; exchange of building information models (BIM) in IFC 4.0 format.

Earthquake check according to the ZPA method; Design according to Swedish standards SS EN 1992, 1993, 1995 (EKS 11, new edition 2019); BIM data exchange with products from Graphisoft GmbH and Allbau Software GmbH; License-free InfoCAD Reader for displaying results.

Push-over analysis as per EN 1998-1:2013; Arc length method for investigating snap-through problems; Design of reinforced and prestressed concrete according to British Standard BS EN 1992-1-1:2015; Bridge recalculation on level 4 per MCFT (Modified Compression Field Theory) as per Canadian Standard CSA A23.3-14.

Design of reinforced and prestressed concrete as per OENORM B 1992-1-1:2018; Export of structural models in 3D Manufacturing Format (3MF) and Standard Tessallation Language Format (STL); Data exchange in BIM Collaboration Format (BCF); Steel and timber checks as per British Standard BS EN 1993, 1995.

Nonlinear system analysis for prestressed structures; Eccentricities for beams and area elements; Parallelization of dynamic analyses; Support of international Unicode character sets; BIM interface to Autodesk® Revit®.

Implementation of laminate cross-sections; Variable bedding profiles for pile calculations; Bridge recalculation for beam, area and solid models according to the German recalculation guideline for road bridges (edition april 2015).

Parallelization according to OpenMP standard; Bridge checks according to OENORM B 1992-2:2014; Timber checks according to OENORM B 1995-1-1:2014; Reinforced concrete checks according to DIN EN 1992-1-1:2015.

Implementation of area elements according to Mindlin-Reissner; Yield criterion according to Rankine for area and solid elements; Prestressed concrete checks according to DIN 4227 for solid elements; Timber checks according to EN 1995-1-1:2013.

Dynamic collapse analysis; Fire analysis for area elements; Prestressed concrete checks according to SIA 262:2013; Bridge checks according to DIN EN 1992-2 for beam, area and solid structures.

Implementation of 10-nodes tetrahedron elements; Fully automatic mesh generation of solid models; Nonlinear bedding of solids; Realization of contact problems; Thermal analysis of solid models.

Timber checks according to DIN 1052:2008 and EN 1995-1-1; Nonlinear three-dimensional analysis for fire scenarios according to EN 1995-1-2.

Steel checks according to EN 1993-1-1; Nonlinear three-dimensional analysis for fire scenarios according to EN 1993-1-2.

Load models and actions according to EN 1991-2; Bridge checks according to EN 1992-2 for beam and area structures; Design according to DIN 1045-1:2008 and DIN Technical Report 102:2009.

Thermal analysis of steel, reinforced concrete and composite sections; Nonlinear three-dimensional analysis for fire scenarios according to EN 1992-1-2; Design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete according to 1992-1-1.

64-bit version for Windows x64; Increase of capacity to 1 Mio. elements; Parallel Sparse Solver for handling large systems of equations; Response spectrum for earthquake checks according to EN 1998-1; Implementation of nonlinear spring elements.

Implementation of composite sections; Modeling of free-form surfaces and solid models with NURBS; Check of composite and solid structures with design objects.

Prestressed concrete checks according to DIN 1045-1 and OENORM B 4750; Response spectrum for earthquake checks according to DIN 4149:2005; Data exchange according to the IFC standard.

Physical nonlinear analysis for area and solid structures; Earthquake check according to SIA 261 and reinforced concrete design according to SIA 262; Modeling of interpenetrations of planar and curved surfaces.

Load models and actions according to DIN Technical Report 101; Bridge checks according to DIN Technical Report 102; Management of construction stages; Model objects for automatic mesh generation of complex structures; Data exchange over product interface for steel constructions.

Physical nonlinear analysis for 3D beam structures; Dynamic analysis of trains crossing railroad bridges; Lateral torsional buckling check according to DIN 18800-2; Enhancement to 100,000 elements.

Bending, shear and torsion design according to DIN 1045-1; Punching shear check according to DIN 1045-1 and OENORM B 4700; Load case generation for bridge constructions; English language version.

Response spectrum for earthquake checks according to OENORM B 4015; Implementation of a printing list for flexible output control.

Static and dynamic analysis of cable structures; Analysis according to third-order theory; Realistic structure representation and result animation with the System viewer.

Design of reinforced concrete according to OENORM B 4700; Crack width check according to DIN 1045; Form-sensitive mesh generation for 3D model structures.

32-bit version for Windows 95 and Windows NT; New user interface with full Windows functionality.

Second-order theory for area structures; Steel checks elastic-plastic according to DIN 18800-1.

Substructure technique for large systems of equations; Design of reinforced concrete according to ENV 1992-1-1; Response spectrum for earthquake checks according to DIN 4149.

Prestressing for beam, area and solid models; Prestressed concrete checks according to DIN 4227.

32-bit version for MS-DOS; Calculation of solid structures; Reinforcement export to construction software.

Dynamic analysis of beam and area structures; Physical nonlinear analysis for 2D beam structures; fully-automatic groundplan mesh generation.

Cross-section analysis and stress checks for polygonal sections; Nonlinear element bedding; Data exchange over the DXF interface.

Design of reinforced concrete according to DIN 1045.

16-bit version for MS-DOS; Calculation of slab, plain, shell and 3D beam structures.